Introducing Google App Engine Paginator
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Need a way to paginate through a GQL query easily? gae_paginator handles the generation of next/previous page URLs, paginates on both unique and non-unique properties, and wants to be as efficient and easy to use as possible.
Getting Started
Download the source and copy the
folder anywhere inside your App Engine project directory. -
That's it! Use it like so, in your handlers:
import os from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template import webapp2 from gae_paginator import Paginator class YourHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def get(self): paginator = Paginator(YourModel, 'some_column = :1 AND other_column = :2', ['some_value', 'other_value'], expect_duplicates=True, per_page=50, paginate_on='-created') page = paginator.get_page(request=self.request) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(path, { 'objects': list(page), 'page': page, })
In your django template:
{% if page.has_previous %} <a href="{{ page.get_previous_url }}">« Previous page</a> {% endif %} {% if page.has_next %} <a href="{{ page.get_next_url }}">Next page »</a> {% endif %}
Or jinja2 template:
{% if page.has_previous() %} <a href="{{ page.get_previous_url() }}">« Previous page</a> {% endif %} {% if page.has_next() %} <a href="{{ page.get_next_url() }}">Next page »</a> {% endif %}
- Simple pagination by key
Paginate by non-unique properties with a specified tolerance for duplicates.
Example: paginate songs by artist name, 10 songs per page, expect 100 duplicates. Set:
- Order and paginate by a custom column (Date/DateTime and key supported and tested).
- Show next and previous buttons only when there is actual data before/after.